255 - The One Thing

July 5, 2023

The PowerBreak Podcast

Program 255 – SHOW NOTES (2023 – 25)

Show date – July 4, 2023


  1. OPEN with Tease

(Bob) “This is the PowerBreak Podcast, number 255 titled:

The One Thing

Pause for 5 seconds

– I’m Bob Brubaker along with JT as we hope you will stay tuned as we seek to give you a little power in this break to help you succeed in the race of life.”

  1. (JT) This is the – PowerBreak Podcast – with a focus on the spiritual, the mental, and the physical aspects – all to help you succeed in the race of life. For show notes from today’s podcast go to bobbrubaker.com and follow the link for the PowerBreak podcast.


  1. Welcome – Bob and JT – chit chat about life, walk with God, training, etc.


BB&JT: Plea and thank you for ratings and review & for spreading the word via social media and word of mouth…

BB –  We are talking today about … “The One Thing”

So JT What does that title bring up to your mind?

  1. Bob – POINT: Prioritizing is not an option. If we want to serve God, it must be a priority, other wise we are just toying with it. Look what Jesus said is the greatest commandment.


Mark 12:29–31 (ESV) — 29 Jesus answered, “The most important is, ‘Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. 30 And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ 31 The second is this: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no other commandment greater than these.”


  1. JT ------ OK THEN LET’S TALK SOME MORE ABOUT THAT as we bring up… WHAT’S NEW –  as we open Bob’s recent blog from bobbrubaker.com …

“The One Thing”

  1. Presentation and discussion of Bob’s published article,
  • Bob and JT discuss highlights of the PowerBreak blog

“The One Thing”

Bob concludes with “The PowerBreak blog is found at bobbrubaker.com”             ((((:03 PAUSE))))


  1. JT – What’s happening Bob? What would you like our listeners to know about this week?


  1. Bob – Strength Training For Your Love Life –… & Sermon link on the website.

(((:03 PAUSE)))


  1. JT This is the PowerBreak Podcast, I’m JT along with Bob Brubaker and this is the  –– time for some questions and answers. Feel free to submit your questions by EMAIL TO JT@bobbrubaker.com and we’ll get to the answer on an upcoming PowerBreak. Podcast…




What all is involved in our prioritizing God and His kingdom?


  1. Bob & JT discuss
  • End of self
  • Command of God
  • Prompting by the Holy Spirit
  • Help from the Teaching of the word (Holy Spirit)
  • Encouragement from others (HolySpirit)
  • New found joy, peace, etc.
  • Trusting God to take care of the rest


  1. JT – Question Two… “FROM THE MENTAL ASPECT”


How can we mentally make God our priority?

  1. Bob & JT discuss


Writing it down on paper is a good start.

In fact if you write down all the things that seem to take priority, then actually place God at the tope it helps to see it.

Of course reviewing the scriptures mentioned in the article would help to cement into your mind the importance and benefits in prioritizing life around God.

  1. (JT) Third Question …. From the physical side of life…


It’s hot weather time so what can we do to prepare to workout in hot weather, stay hydrated, and recover from working out in hot weather?


  1. Bob and JT discuss…


Preparing: increase your intake of water and non-dehydrating fluids, pre workout slushy to help bring down your core before you workout. Particularly - 16-20 ounces upon awaking, 8-20 ounces with each meal, and carry a water bottle everywhere


During: consume cold fluids as much as possible, drink often, electrolyte drinks are important, watch for overload of sugar which will dehydrate you.


After: drink, drink, and drink, -  watch the fluids that will dehydrate you - caffeine and sugar drinks..

Anything final thoughts on this JT?

Bob’s final comment – More is NOT necessarily better. It takes discipline to know when to increase your hours of training and when to back off, realizing the gain is not found in excess.


Point: DISCIPLINE MAKES THE DIFFERENCE --- in all aspects of life

Closing statement Bob…. “check out today’s show notes at bobbrubaker.com and click on the PowerBreak podcast – today’s show is 255.


  1. JT – Submit your questions by EMAIL to JT@bobbrubaker.com and listen for OUR answer on an upcoming PowerBreak Podcast (((:03 pause)))


  1. (((commercial by Bob))) --- Strength Training For Your Love Life

(((pause for music transition)))


  1. (JT) Thank you for joining us for the PowerBreak Podcast. Please subscribe and leave a review where-ever you have downloaded the podcast. Check out the show notes, news, Bob’s weekly blog, and other cool things at bobbrubabaker.com and listen next time for the – “powerbreak podcast.