Look What God Can Do!
The story and publishing of Bob Brubaker
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There is much fear in the hearts of people today. In this post-Covid era, people are still reeling in the effects of the overwhelming words of […]
We are to take everything in the Bible seriously. 2 Timothy 3:16–17 (ESV) — 16 All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, […]
There are many thoughts about apologetic techniques in which we are prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks us about our faith. But the […]

One of my friends once said that the most effective weapon of Satan is procrastination. Convincing us that we can do something tomorrow that needs to […]
So we have talked in detail over the past several weeks about the importance of love and how we show it to one another. Let’s talk […]
At the beginning of John chapter 13, Jesus washes his disciples feet, using it as an example of how to demonstrate love for others. John writes, […]