Look What God Can Do!

The story and publishing of Bob Brubaker


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The Throne of Grace

Haman had convinced the king to place a bounty on the heads of the Jewish people and have them killed on a certain date. Mordecai, who […]

The Spec and the Log

The title may not be recognized right away, but if you have read the sermon of the Lord Jesus Christ called the “sermon on the mount,’ […]

Where There Is No Vision

You’ve probably heard that title, which is actually a portion of scripture, prompting the need for leaders to set things in a direction or the people […]


The PowerBreak Podcast Program 337– SHOW NOTES (2025 – 06) Show date – February 11, 2025 THE Q&A FORMAT OPEN with Tease (Bob) “This is the PowerBreak Podcast, number 337…


No Better Time than Now

One of my friends once said that the most effective weapon of Satan is procrastination. Convincing us that we can do something tomorrow that needs to […]

The Hardest One to Love?

So we have talked in detail over the past several weeks about the importance of love and how we show it to one another.  Let’s talk […]

By This All People will Know That You are My Disciples

At the beginning of John chapter 13, Jesus washes his disciples feet, using it as an example of how to demonstrate love for others. John writes, […]