295 - Change Your Morning Change Your Life

The PowerBreak Podcast

Program 295– SHOW NOTES (2024 – 15)

Show date – April 16, 2024


  1. OPEN with Tease

(Bob) “This is the PowerBreak Podcast, number 295 titled:

Change Your Morning Change Your Life

Pause for 5 seconds

– I’m Bob Brubaker along with JT, as we hope you will stay tuned as we seek to give you a little power in this break to help you succeed in the race of life.”

  1. (JT) This is the – PowerBreak Podcast – with a focus on the spiritual, the mental, and the physical aspects – all to help you succeed in the race of life. For show notes from today’s podcast go to bobbrubaker.com and follow the link for the PowerBreak podcast.


  1. Welcome – Bob and JT – chit chat about life, walk with God, training, etc.


BB&JT: Plea and thank you for ratings and review & for spreading the word via social media and word of mouth…

  2. Hammer Nutrition – Chain Breaker Coffee





BB –  We are talking today about  “Change Your morning Change your life”


So JT What does that title bring up to your mind? ((JT ANSWERS))

  1. Bob – POINT:  There is great benefit for taking a close look at your morning routine and how you could improve it.


Psalm 57:8 (ESV) — 8 Awake, my glory! Awake, O harp and lyre! I will awake the dawn!


  1. JT ------ OK THEN LET’S TALK SOME MORE ABOUT THAT as we bring up… WHAT’S NEW –  as we open Bob’s recent blog from bobbrubaker.com …

“Change your morning Change your life ”


  1. Presentation and discussion of Bob’s published article,
  • Bob and JT discuss highlights of the PowerBreak blog

“Change your morning, Change your life”


Bob concludes with “The PowerBreak blog is found at bobbrubaker.com”             ((((:03 PAUSE))))


  1. JT – What’s happening Bob? What would you like our listeners to know about this week?


  1. Bob – Basic Prayer Training –… & Sermon link on the website.

(((:03 PAUSE)))


  1. JT This is the PowerBreak Podcast, I’m JT along with Bob Brubaker and this is the –– time for some questions and answers. Feel free to submit your questions by EMAIL TO JT@bobbrubaker.com and we’ll get to the answer on an upcoming PowerBreak. Podcast…




I get the feeling from your blog that you think we should all get up when you do. Is that really necessary?

  1. Bob & JT discuss


I’m an extremist… but I’ll admit that there are zero interruptions at 4:00 a.m.

(((Martin Luther)))

Begin with starting with ½ hour earlier…

Make sure the time is spent profitably in seeking after God through His word, prayer, and expressing gratitude so your soul will want more.

Psalm 63:1 (ESV) — 1 O God, you are my God; earnestly I seek you; my soul thirsts for you; my flesh faints for you, as in a dry and weary land where there is no water.

Remember that this is self discipline which Jesus said is required of those who want to be His disciple.

Luke 9:23 (ESV) — 23 And he said to all, “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me.

So I’m not saying – be like me in getting up at 4:00 BUT … in looking at when you do get up and seeing if getting up just ½ earlier could benefit your morning.


  1. JT – Question Two… “FROM THE MENTAL ASPECT”


How can we mentally get in the mode of praying more? Is it reading prayers or what is a good plan for prayer?

Shamless plug for “BASIC PRAYER TRAINING”

Matthew 6:9–13 (KJV 1900) — 9 After this manner therefore pray ye: Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. 10 Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. 11 Give us this day our daily bread. 12 And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. 13 And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen.

Prayer folder for requests for prayer

Prayer for leaders and government

Prayer for neighbors and friends

prayer for fellow church members

  • We sell prayer short
  • If God already knows – why pray?


  1. Third question … Turning to the Physical


This question is appropriate for you since you have a major lung problem BUT is it good for people with a lung problem to exercise?


  1. Bob & JT discuss

National Jewish Medical center says YES… (((example)))

If you have lung problems, staying active can help manage your condition and improve your quality of life.

Although exercising when you’re out of breath might seem odd, physical activity assists your heart in sending oxygen to your body, helping your blood to circulate better.

Top 3 Types of Home Exercise for People with Lung Conditions
Certain lung conditions, including asthma, pleural mesothelioma, and bronchiectasis, can stop your lungs from functioning correctly.

You might feel like exercising is not possible or safe if you have lung disease, but regular exercise benefits you. No need to go through the hassles of working out at the gym because exercising at home may be just as effective.

Still, it is always best to consult your respiratory therapist or doctor before starting any exercise if you have a lung condition. Below are types of home exercises for people with lung conditions.

Aerobic Exercises
Aerobic exercise may help manage your lung condition. This exercise improves your lung’s ability to use oxygen and strengthens your heart.

Walking, stationary cycling, jogging, or jumping rope are aerobic exercises you can do at home. Try walking with your dog or playing music while cycling to make these routines more fun.

During aerobic exercise, you will breathe faster and deeper, and your heart will beat faster, increasing blood flow to your muscles and back to your lungs.

Resistance Training
Another home exercise for people with lung disease is resistance training. This exercise helps improve the muscles you use when breathing, increases your strength, and makes everyday life much easier.

You can use resistance bands or weights for this training. If you don’t have pieces of equipment, you can use your body weight, too. It would be best to ask your therapist or doctor to learn about various resistance exercises suitable for your condition

Stretching Exercises
Stretching is an excellent way to start your exercise or cool down after. Stretching increases your flexibility and improves your balance and posture. You will breathe better with improved posture.

Staying active benefits not just your body but your mind. Exercising boosts your self-esteem and confidence. But consult your doctor before you try home exercises, especially if you have lung conditions.

Any other thoughts JT?

Bob’s final comment – It takes discipline to exercise with a lung disorder… but there are benefits…. just listen to your body and. your health care professional.


Point: DISCIPLINE MAKES THE DIFFERENCE --- in all aspects of life

Closing statement Bob…. “check out today’s show notes at bobbrubaker.com and click on the PowerBreak podcast – today’s show is 295.


  1. JT – Submit your questions by EMAIL to JT@bobbrubaker.com and listen for OUR answer on an upcoming PowerBreak Podcast (((:03 pause)))


  1. (((commercial by Bob)))Basic Prayer Training ….

(((pause for music transition)


  1. (JT) Thank you for joining us for the PowerBreak Podcast. Please subscribe and leave a review where-ever you have downloaded the podcast. Check out the show notes, news, Bob’s weekly blog, and other cool things at bobbrubabaker.com and listen next time for the – “powerbreak podcast.