The Danger of Isolation
God has established man to be in relationship with God first, his/her mate second, then in family and in the covenant family. God has stated the reason: “It’s not good to be alone.” Genesis 2:18 (ESV) — 18 Then the Lord God said, “It is not good that the man should be alone; I will […]
Change Your Morning, Change Your Life
Think about your morning routine. The way you begin your day has a great impact on what you will accomplish that day as well as the ongoing attitude you will have throughout the day. Hence, there is a call today from many sources to look seriously at your morning routine and be ready to make […]
Say It Now
There is nothing like the regret of wanting to say something to someone, putting it off, then only to learn of their death and realize you have blown it. It happens all the time. Most funeral weeping is done by people who have great regret for not spending time or not saying what they should […]
Up From the Grave He Arose
There’s a song by the same title written by Robet Lowry that is sung at the time of the year when the resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ is front and center. The first verse and chorus go like this: Low in the grave He lay Jesus my Savior! Waiting the coming day Jesus my […]
The Pleasure of The Lord
If you love someone, you’ll want to know what pleases them. It’s an appropriate thing to ask couples to see if they really know the other person. In what do they take pleasure? Peter gives that advice to men concerning their wives: 1 Peter 3:7 (ESV) — 7 Likewise, husbands, live with your wives in […]
I Can’t Come Down
I have a friend who is quite knowledgeable and talented who, if he answered every request for help would not only be over stressed but quite unsuccessful due to over-commitment. As he talked to me about his dilemma, I suggested to him that he was building a wall and to tell the constant flow of […]
A God Formed Self-Image
How do you see yourself? How you see the most important person in your life sees you is a good indication of your self-image. Think of growing up and how your self-image was formed by how your parents, teacher, coach, or whomever that was important to you saw you. Think then how important it is […]
The Wonder of God’s Love
The love of God is not easily understood. In fact, we are told that we need divine revelation to comprehend anything about God’s love and to get just a little grasp of this enormous aspect of God, literally takes us to new heights in our faith. Ephesians 3:14–21 (ESV) — 14 For this reason I […]
The Gospel Centered Life
A Gospel centered life is a Christ centered life because the Lord Jesus Christ and His accomplishment is the focus of the Gospel. Therefore, a Gospel centered life is one in which the person involved is focused on and driven by the Gospel in personal application as well as in sharing opportunities following the mandate […]
Cultivating Gratitude
There is a plethora of reasons to be grateful. Multiple studies are out today with clear evidence of the many benefits that expressing gratitude plays a positive role in physical, mental, emotional, and of course spiritual health and well-being. You can’t go far in reading the Bible without finding a command, promise, or example of […]