Are you guarding your heart?
The heart is the seed of affections and really the focal point of all spiritual change. In fact, Jesus said that you can tell what is in the heart by what you see is important to a person, and what comes out of a person’s mouth is an indication of what is in the heart. […]
Hitting The Wall and What to Do
There’s a phenomenon known in the endurance world as “hitting the wall.” There are many explanations as to why this strange occurrence happens and despite the lack of knowing “why” exactly, it is real as I know from experience. I was running along in a marathon (26.2-mile race) and along about mile 23, I stopped […]
I Am Praying For You
What could be better than to have someone say to you, “I am praying for you?” It’s a great way to open a spiritual conversation that can lead to a Gospel presentation, or a word of encouragement from God’s word. Of course, it must come from an honest heart that you are praying for that […]
Who Is Jesus?
Ask a hundred people today, who Jesus is, and you’ll probably get a hundred different answers. It was a similar scene to the one described in the Bible when Jesus asked His disciples who people thought He was. Matthew 16:13–16 (ESV) — 13 Now when Jesus came into the district of Caesarea Philippi, he […]
Weeping May Endure For A Night
You have no doubt noticed that whenever you experience pain or sickness, it most often seems worse at night. You are not alone. Job expressed the same consideration: Job 30:17 (ESV) — 17 The night racks my bones, and the pain that gnaws me takes no rest. After I had knee replacement surgery, I would […]
Freedom In Submission
From the beginning, God’s creation enjoyed the greatest freedom in being and fulfilling God’s purpose. Sin entered the world as Adam and Eve decided that submitting to God’s will was less than fulfilling, thus rebelling against God and His design for their lives. Just consider what they enjoyed and what their failure to submit brought […]
The Danger of Isolation
God has established man to be in relationship with God first, his/her mate second, then in family and in the covenant family. God has stated the reason: “It’s not good to be alone.” Genesis 2:18 (ESV) — 18 Then the Lord God said, “It is not good that the man should be alone; I will […]
Change Your Morning, Change Your Life
Think about your morning routine. The way you begin your day has a great impact on what you will accomplish that day as well as the ongoing attitude you will have throughout the day. Hence, there is a call today from many sources to look seriously at your morning routine and be ready to make […]
Say It Now
There is nothing like the regret of wanting to say something to someone, putting it off, then only to learn of their death and realize you have blown it. It happens all the time. Most funeral weeping is done by people who have great regret for not spending time or not saying what they should […]
Up From the Grave He Arose
There’s a song by the same title written by Robet Lowry that is sung at the time of the year when the resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ is front and center. The first verse and chorus go like this: Low in the grave He lay Jesus my Savior! Waiting the coming day Jesus my […]