By Bob Brubaker  |  

The Weekly PowerBreak – “Worship 101”

July 23, 2018

Corporate worship seems to be downplayed in our current society.  By corporate worship I mean the value of being part of the church body worshipping together as one body, rather than people worshipping as individuals in a meeting place with other individuals. It seems corporate worship has been devalued to the place where singing seems […]

The Weekly PowerBreak – Keep The List Short”

July 16, 2018

When it comes to confessing your sin to God, it’s best to keep the list short; otherwise you bring great sorrow on yourself as you give God the cold shoulder. Just ask David how keeping silent about sin worked out in his life. Psalm 32:1–5 (ESV) — 1 Blessed is the one whose transgression is forgiven, […]

The Weekly Powerbreak – “Content But Not Complacent”

July 9, 2018

We’ve had the privilege over the past year of getting to know a young professional baseball player. Being drafted right out of high school and sent to our town to train, his parents made sure he was established with a local church. It’s been great for the church and for my wife and me to […]